Query Builder


Think of each EAV model as a Eloquent model.

This will retrieve data only from the entity table. Why? Retrieving all the attributes for the entity is a expensive operation.

use App\Products;

$product = Products::all();

If you want toretrieve data containing all the attributes value for the entity.

$product = Products::all(['attr.*']);

This will retrieve data containing only 'upc' & 'color'.

$product = Products::all(['upc','color']);

This will retrieve data from the entity table and also 'upc' & 'color'.

$product = Products::all(['*', 'upc', 'color']);

You can also select any field from the main entity table as shown in above example.

$product = Products::all(['id', 'upc', 'color']);

The same can done with the get & select

Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'SHNDUU451885')
Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'SHNDUU451885')

Where Clauses

Simple Where Clauses

You may use the whereAttribute method on a query builder instance to add where clauses to the query. This has the same arguments as the where.

$product = Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'SHNDUU451885')->get();

Of course, you may use a variety of other operators when writing a whereAttribute clause >=, <> , =<, like.

Or Statements

$product = Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'SHNDUU451885')
    	->orWhereAttribute('color', 'like', 'Green%')

add or clauses to the query.

Additional Where Clauses

whereBetweenAttribute / orWhereBetweenAttribute

The whereBetweenAttribute method verifies that a attribute's value is between two values

$product = Products::whereBetweenAttribute('votes', [1, 100])
    	->orWhereBetweenAttribute('age', [18, 100])

whereNotBetweenAttribute / orWhereNotBetweenAttribute

The whereNotBetweenAttribute method verifies that a attribute's value lies outside of two values

$product = Products::whereNotBetweenAttribute('votes', [1, 100])
    	->orWhereNotBetweenAttribute('age', [18, 100])

whereInAttribute / orWhereInAttribute

The whereInAttribute method verifies that a given attribute's value is contained within the given array

$product = Products::whereInAttribute('id', [1, 2, 3])
    	->orWhereInAttribute('id', [4, 5, 6])

whereNotInAttribute / orWhereNotInAttribute

The whereNotInAttribute method verifies that the given attribute's value is not contained in the given array

$product = Products::whereNotInAttribute('id', [1, 2, 3])
    	->orWhereNotInAttribute('id', [4, 5, 6])

whereNullAttribute / orWhereNullAttribute

The whereNullAttribute method verifies that the value of the given attribute is NULL

$product = Products::whereNullAttribute('search')
        ->get(['*', 'search', 'color']);

In this case we need to specifiy the attribute in the get call, this is due to the behaviour of table joins.

whereNotNullAttribute / orWhereNotNullAttribute

The whereNotNullAttribute method verifies that the attribute's value is not NULL

$product = Products::whereNotNullAttribute('search')
        ->get(['*', 'search', 'color']);

In this case we need to specifiy the attribute in the get call, this is due to the behaviour of table joins.

whereDateAttribute / orWhereDateAttribute / whereDayAttribute / whereMonthAttribute / whereYearAttribute / whereTimeAttribute / orWhereTimeAttribute

  • The whereDateAttribute method may be used to compare a attribute's value against a date.
  • The whereMonthAttribute method may be used to compare a attribute's value against a specific month of a year.
  • The whereDayAttribute method may be used to compare a attribute's value against a specific day of a month.
  • The whereYearAttribute method may be used to compare a attribute's value against a specific year.
  • The whereTimeAttribute method may be used to compare a attribute's value against a specific time.
$product = Products::whereDateAttribute('purchased_at', '2017-08-09')
    	->orWhereDateAttribute('purchased_at', '2017-08-09')
    	->whereYearAttribute('created_at', '2016')


$search = Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'like', 'SHNDUU%')
	->whereAttribute('color', 'like', 'Green%')
	->whereNested(function (QueryBuilder $query) use($size) {
		$query->whereAttribute('size', '=', $size);
	->orderByAttribute('name', 'desc')

Parameter Grouping

$search = Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'like', 'SHNDUU%')
	->whereAttribute('color', 'like', 'Green%')
	->whereAttribute(function ($query) use($size) {
		$query->whereAttribute('size', '=', $size);
	->orderByAttribute('name', 'desc')


The orderByAttribute method allows you to sort the result of the query by a given attribute.

$search = Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'like', 'SHNDUU%')
	->whereAttribute('color', 'like', 'Green%')
	->whereAttribute('size', '=', 's')
	->orderByAttribute('name', 'desc')