Attribute group

The attributes are organized into groups.

General is the group that is create initialy.

The Attributes Group are attached to the Set through relation.

public function groups()
    return $this->hasMany(AttributeGroup::class, 'attribute_set_id');

The Attributes are attached to the Group through relation.

public function attributes()
    return $this->hasManyThrough(
    	Attribute::class, EntityAttribute::class, 
    	'attribute_group_id', 'attribute_id'


To create a new group

    'attribute_group_name' => 'Metadata',
    'attribute_set_id' => $attributeSet->attribute_set_id,

A group should be attached to a Set.


To retrieve the group related to the set.

$entity = Eav\Entity::findByCode('code');

$sets = $entity->attributeSet;

$groups = $sets->first()->attributeGroup;

To retrieve the attributes related to the group.

$entity = Eav\Entity::findByCode('code');

$sets = $entity->attributeSet;

$groups = $sets->first()->attributeGroup;
