
The Attributes are attached to the entity through relation.

public function attributes()
    return $this->hasMany(Attribute::class, 'entity_id');


To create a migration, use the eav:make:attribute

You can create using one of the below options.


$ php artisan eav:make:attribute [entity_code]  --attributes [attr1:type,attr:type,...]

If you have few attribute, you can use --attributes option where you can mention attribute with their type as comma separated values. Once created remember to update migration if necessary like backend_type, frontend_type for the attributes.

eg :-

$ php artisan eav:make:attribute product -A name:string,search:boolean,description:text 


If you have too many attibutes you can use a CSV file. Here is a sample file with the header that can be used.

$ php artisan eav:make:attribute [entity_code]  --source [path/to/the/attribute.csv]

It will fill all the details from the file and if needed you can update the migration.

eg :-

$ php artisan eav:make:attribute product -S storage/attribute.csv

Both the options will also map it to the given entity. If you check the migration file it will have code that is similar to the code given below.

    'attribute_code' => 'status',
    'entity_code' => 'product',
    'backend_class' => null,
    'backend_type' => 'int',
    'backend_table' =>  null,
    'frontend_class' =>  null,
    'frontend_type' => 'select',
    'frontend_label' => 'Status',
    'source_class' =>  Eav\Attribute\Source\Boolean::class,
    'default_value' => 0,
    'is_required' => 0,
    'is_filterable' => 0,
    'is_searchable' => 0,
    'required_validate_class' =>  null

    'attribute_code' => 'status',
    'entity_code' => 'product',
    'attribute_set' => 'Default',
    'attribute_group' => 'General'

The Eav\Attribute::add add's the attribute to the system and Eav\EntityAttribute::map will map the attribute to the entity and also assign to a set and group.

Field Description
attribute_code Specify the code for the attribute.
entity_code Specify the entity code for the attibute.
backend_class When specified will be used to add aditional control to the attribute when it intracts with the database.
backend_type Specify the column type. Supports types.
backend_table When specified it will store the data to the given. DOC
frontend_class When specified will be used to add aditional control to the attribute when is used in the frontend.
frontend_type Specify the type of html field.
frontend_label Specify the label.
source_class When specified will be used to populate a field’s default options, if the frontend_type is select.
default_value Specify the default value that will stored if not given.
is_required If enabled, value needs to given for the attribute.
is_filterable If enabled, attribute are included in the faceted navigation.
required_validate_class Custom validation rules.


To retrieve the attributes related to a entity.

$entity = \Eav\Entity::findByCode('code');

$attributes = $entity->attributes;

To retrive single attribute

$sizeAttribute =  Eav\Attribute::findByCode('size', 'product')