Attribute Set

Its used as a template for the enity. The attribute set determines the fields that are available during data entry, and the values that appear when retrieved.

Default is the set that is create initialy.

A set is created while mapping a attribute to a entity. If a set already exists it will be used or else created. Attribute set will be unique for entity. A Entity can have many set's.

The Attributes Sets are attached to the entity through relation.

public function sets()
    return $this->hasMany(AttributeSet::class, 'entity_id');

The Attributes are attached to the Set through relation.

public function attributes()
    return $this->hasManyThrough(
    	Attribute::class, EntityAttribute::class, 
    	'attribute_set_id', 'attribute_id'


To create a new set

$entity = Eav\Entity::findByCode('code');

    'attribute_set_name' => 'kids_clothing',
    'entity_id' => $entity->entity_id,


To retrive the set related to a entity.

$entity = Eav\Entity::findByCode('code');

$sets = $entity->attributeSet;

To retrieve the attributes related to the set.

$sets = $entity->attributeSet;
