Faceted search


Faceted search is a technique which involves augmenting traditional search techniques with a faceted navigation system, allowing users to narrow down search results by applying multiple filters based on faceted classification of the items.

For a attribute to be qualified in faceted list the is_filterable must be set to 1.

You can directly get the Facets from the query builder.

$search = Products::whereAttribute('upc', 'like', 'SHNDUU%')
	->whereAttribute('color', 'like', 'Green%')
	->whereAttribute('size', '=', 's')

$result = $search->get();
$facets = $search->getFacets();

Result of the facets.

	"search": {
		"0": {
		"1": {
	"size": {
		"s": {
		"m": {
		"l": {

With Count

If you want the count for the values.

$facets = $search->getFacets(true);
	"search": {
		"1": {