Sunel Tr

Thoughts & insights on Web Development with a focus on Magento, Laravel, Front-end Tools and Best-Practices.

Currently working on Mods a framework with focus on modularity.

I'm Sunel Saminathan Tr

A web developer in Chennai, TN.

$languages = new Languages(['javascript', 'php']);
$frameworks = new Frameworks([
	'laravel', 'magento', 'symfony', 
	'vuejs', 'nodejs', 'reactjs', 
$tools = new Tools(['gulp', 'webpack', 'rollup', 'composer']);

$skillset = (new Sunel($languages))

View my code on GitHub, connect with me on LinkedIn, follow me on Twitter, and check out my work below.

My Works

GitHub icon

Entity–attribute–value model (EAV) for Laravel Artisan.


A Framework with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.


This script will export & import Attributes , Sets & Products.

GitHub icon

(AOP) Intercept and change the behavior of a public method before, after, or around that function call.


Framework Agnostic way to build your page in an upgrade-compatible way.


The Modules that are used in MODS Framework.


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